Clear and Amber Vials

When you think of laboratory vials, whether it is for your medical organization or practice, think of Farris Labs. A vial is a type of container that is often used in allergy testing facilities. We carry both sterile, sealed clear and amber vials in a variety of sizes. We also offer a selection of colored caps so you can easily identify the contents inside.

Certificates of Analysis available upon request.

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Lab vials are a container often used in allergy testing facilities and other medical offices. These glass vials make storing solvents, solutions, and samples simple. Each vial features tight-fitting seals that allow for accurate testing and complete control of the substances held inside. Farris Labs offers two types of vials to choose from – a sterile, sealed clear material and amber material. Both are great options for laboratory needs, and our amber tinted vials help ensure light sensitive substances are not damaged.

We carry both options and a variety of sizes so you can select the best for your medical office. In addition, we also offer a wide selection of colored caps to easily identify and seal the contents inside. Whether you’re in need of chemical vials, medical vials, or lab vials, we have the medical products you need to care for your patient’s needs. 

Shopping for your medical practice should be easy. We’re here to help. Farris Labs is a trusted brand with a one-stop shop. We provide medical supplies to offices across the country and offer same-day shipping on all our in-stock products when you place an order by 2:00 p.m. CST. Have questions or need assistance placing an order? Call 1-800-537-0411 Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST or email us and a member of our team will be in touch with you. Our customers are our highest priority, and the knowledgeable team at Farris Labs is here to assist you in learning more about our high-quality selection of lab vial products.